Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Finally Foot Pedals For Express Scribe In Australia

If you are anything like me, making the transition from the old tape transcription systems to digital was easy, well almost, using the function keys instead of the trusty transcription foot pedal took some getting used to with Express Scribe.

We have been looking for good quality transcription foot controls in Australia for some time. Now that we are linked with Philips Dictation on our online store, Dictate Australia we are now able to provide just that - sturdy, well made, USB transcription foot pedal controls sourced here in Australia.

The Philips Digital Transcription USB Foot Control is what we have been waiting for. Easily installed, just install the supplied driver, plug into a spare USB port and away you go, a foot control for Express Scribe.

The USB transcription foot pedal is selling for AU$150 plus $16 postage. Next day delivery is possible down the Australian East coast for orders received before 12pm Sydney time. So if you need one in a hurry you know where to go.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Use Your iPod As A Digital Voice Recorder

We recently discovered some very neat accessories for owners of iPod Nano's and the bigger video iPods. A couple of innovative companies, Griffin Technology and XtremeMac have created microphones for these iPods allowing the owner to record audio and in effect turn the iPod into a digital voice recorder.

When compared to the cost of a new digital voice recorder the microphones for iPods can give you a substantial cost saving, both the Griffin iTalk Pro and the XtremeMac MicroMemo retail for less than AU$100.

We recently added both the iTalk Pro and the MicroMemo to our Australian digital voice recorder store, Dictate Australia and in the first month the MicroMemo is prooving to be very popular.

So, if you own an iPod and are looking for a new digital voice recorder you might want to consider a microphone for your iPod as an alternative.